

Scope is a subset of tasks and estimates to include in the final price of the phase. It is used to quickly refine the overall price and functionality of the phase based on priority, features or streams.


To view the Scope, navigate to Deal > Phase > Scope.

The scope page provides a high level visualisation of all the estimates within a phase across a number of breakdowns, as well as the percentage of scope that is currently active.

Scope management

The key to scoping is effective use of priorities, risks, and streams. This approach empowers users to efficiently manage scope and price, without having to manually update individual estimates.

Further reading

Scope is disabled until you have estimates

Scope is disabled until you have estimates

As you add estimates, the scope summary updates automatically

As you add estimates, the scope summary updates automatically

Click on any item to instantly update scope and price

Click on any item to instantly update scope and price