
Sept 1st, 2023

Create and compare deal versions. Review multi-phase resource schedule timelines. Set deal probability and weighted forecasts.


This is a big release focused on enhancing your deal pipeline workflows with deal version history, new deal statuses and probability fields. We’ve also added a multi-phase resource view to the deal timeline and improved the look of resource scheduling everywhere.

We’ve also added a new top level section called pipeline forecasts. It’s a preview release containing a couple of weighted pipeline metrics based on these new features and capabilities.

Deal versions

Versions are read-only copies of a deal that are created automatically when you redraft or update a deal, and manually at any time. You can use versions to track historical changes or compare snapshots with different values.

Access versions from the menu on the deal page, or via the versions button that appears in the deal header once there are multiple versions.



<aside> ☝ When a deal is approved, the contents is now read-only, ****and remains locked until the deal is redrafted. You can still update the deal status while locked.


Versions menu

From the versions menu, you can see all the available versions and preview or restore them.

You can also create/rename versions and add short descriptions.


Version preview